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Why are fleas so hard to get rid of?

Prevent fleas from being carried into the house on your pets. If you've sprayed and bombed and powdered to til the cows came home and you still can't kill fleas in the house, your frustration is understandable! You must break their cycle in order to thoroughly eradicate a flea infestation. Fleas will lay their eggs on common field animals, which then scurry across your lawn dropping the eggs onto your South Jersey property.

The eggs mature into the pupa stage where they lay in wait for any unsuspecting warm blooded creature that happens by. This can be a dog or a cat but surprisingly to some,it could also be you, or worse, your child.


The heat and motion of a passerby excites the new fleas into hatching. They will then latch onto the nearby dog, cat or child and parasitically feed on its blood. The flea host then comes inside your home and unknowingly drops fleas and their newly laid eggs onto your carpet or bedding... you must kill fleas in the yard and on the dog and then kill fleas in the house in order to break  the cycle.




Flea droppings tiny black

specs resembling dirt

  Flea bites, Pink, red or brown raised scaly patches

on skin

The resulting infestation can be painful itchy and annoying, and to the layman, difficult to treat. This is because fleas are resistant to extermination in the pupa stage. A knowledgeable pest control technician will be able to track the reproductive cycle ensuring thorough results.
To completely and effectively kill fleas in the house you will require more than one visit, treating the yard, and the home, thoroughly each time. You as the South Jersey home owner will be encouraged to seek advice from a reputable veterinarian on safely treating your pet. You will also be informed what you can do to work with us to ensure that your problem will be completely and permanently resolved.
If you inquire about flea treatment with other South Jersey pest control companies, be sure to ask about the extent of treatment that you will receive for the price that you are quoted. To insure a good result, be certain that the technician is aware of the complexity of the flea cycle and is willing to treat all areas thoroughly and return as needed.

What you need to know about ticks

    Like fleas,ticks are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of a host animal. They transmit a variety of diseases, the most well known of which in South Jersey is Lyme’s Disease. Since the habits of the tick are much like that of the flea, a lot of what you read about ticks on this site will apply to the flea and vice versa.
Many ticks, such as the deer tick, the brown dog tick, the groundhog tick and the bat tick are named for the host on which they are most commonly found. They are however, capable of feeding on just about any mammal and will take advantage of the food supply that is most readily available.
Raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, bats, mice, possums and skunks are all known to host several species of ticks. These animals and others, including the family dog or cat are the main transporters of ticks from the wild to our domestic environment.
The rabbit, skunk, or other creature will come in contact with the tick in a wooded area or open field and then carry it onto your property. The tick will attach itself to an unsuspecting pet which will bring the parasite into your living space where it will drop its eggs. The eggs hatch into nymphs, they grow up and lay more eggs and the cycle continues, resulting in an infestation.
Even if your pet is kept indoors ticks can enter your attic or crawl space attached to hosts such as bats, squirrels, mice and, raccoons. After the invading wildlife is discovered and removed the tick may be left behind to forage for an alternate food source. This is when it may gain entrance to the living area. So if your home, attic or crawl space has recently harbored a woodland invader don’t be surprised if you soon experience a tick infestation.
Engorged female ticks are capable of laying thousands of eggs that can survive in bedding carpets and furniture for more than a year. Once it hatches the nymph can then go without food for just as long. Because their life cycle involves long periods of survival without feeding, and since eggs may not hatch for some time after an initial treatment, the tick presents a unique problem for the person attempting to rid a home of an infestation.
A job well done will require professional knowledge and expertise. A flea or tick infestation will often demand multiple treatments with a variety of specifically designed chemicals applied in several areas of the home, around the property and (under veterinary supervision) on the pet.
There are many over the counter products available to the home owner who may want to take a stab at conquering a tick or flea infestation on his own, but since the purchase and application of these products does not require licensing they are often watered down. The trace amounts of chemical contained in these over the counter products are ineffective on large numbers of adults and on eggs.
Since most people do not have extensive knowledge of the habits of the flea and tick, or their host animals, a layman’s efforts often innocently ignore essential steps in the treatment process. This can cost the home owner money and wasted effort and will allow time for the parasites to continue breeding. In the long run an attempt by the non professional to conquer a flea or tick infestation may only increase the severity of the infestation and add to the frustration of the home owner.
The complexity of a tick or flea infestation, the timing of the life cycle, and the variety of ways in which the parasite can invade and then survive undetected in so many areas of the home, makes it especially important that you inform us as soon as you suspect your home, property or pet is vulnerable to fleas or ticks. A tick or flea infestation is most effectively eradicated before the parasite has the opportunity to thrive in numbers.

Flea control
flea exterminator
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